Let us probe the silent places, let us seek what luck betide us;
Let us journey to a lonely land I know.
There's a whisper on the night-wind, there's a star agleam to guide us,
And the Wild is calling, calling . . . let us go.

Robert Service — The Call of the Wild

Day 12 - Rest Day

Monday, July 23, 2012.

Finally, another Rest Day! We didn't even get up until 9:30am. Lazy day, a leisurely breakfast and then everyone did some laundry in the bear vaults. Hung the laundry up to dry, caught up on notes, ate lunch, read, and more or less just lazed around. Around 2pm Phil and I went over to the inlet of the lake to practice casting the fly line while Steve and Sandy worked on yet another super-secret snacky-treat. Phil had a number of good strikes, but wasn't able to set the hook at first.
Later, when Steve and Sandy wandered over, Steve showed Phil a few tricks to set the hook on a fly line. Shortly after that, Phil was able to hook and land a nice fish (Dolly Varden?) and then another giant lake trout. His first lake trout and his first fish on a fly. Steve and I also landed some fish. All these fish were caught on Steve's fly rod using a #8 green leech fly.
Eventually we all wandered back to camp and erected the orange tarp of tarply-goodness for some shade. We read and napped in the shade with a soft breeze coming in off the lake. Later, we enjoyed a Crème Carmel snacky-treat with some local-to-Yellowknife fireweed tea. The Carmel was delicious and the tea was especially excellent. The orange tarp was also excellent as always. We lounged under the tarp, out of the sun, watching afternoon thunderheads building in the McKenzies across the Hess river valley.
By 6pm we got a brief thunderstorm with some wind and a little lightning. Everyone retreated to their tents for more note taking and napping. We are still recovering from our last two hikes. Later, after the rain had stopped, we came out and watched a series of rainbows moving up the valley. Tomorrow, the plan is to follow the glacial stream up the valley behind camp to the glacier at the foot of Keele peak. We are all hoping for fine, sunny weather!
The local laundramat has three machines! No waiting!
photographer: Sandra Moore
Phil lands his first lake trout, first time on a fly. Largest fish of the trip.
photographer: Sandra Moore
Steve pulled a number of nice lake trout out of the riffles.
photographer: Sandra Moore
Créme Carmels under the orange tarp of goodness. Life is good!
photographer: Phil Taylor
Double Rainbow all the way dude!
photographer: Phil Taylor
This is a stone found on the beach at Emerald Lake, near the helicopter landing zone. Steve is certain it is a fossilized mastodon tooth.
photographer: Bill Moore
Stormy weather
photographer: Bill Moore
Moore Adventures